
HTML code samples

Below are examples of code you can use in WordPress posts. HTML can be inserted using a Custom HTML block. CSS classes can be added via a Block’s Advanced drop-down when they apply to a whole block, or inserted into an HTML tag when they do not. If you’re looking for something that is not listed here, check the components section of this site.

Hidden question and answer

You can create a question & answer that appears as a quick answer in site search, but does not appear on the page. Use this sparingly, as most questions & answers would benefit people if they are seen on pages.

<div style="display:none;" class="js-qa js-qa-question">Where can I find the list of essential critical infrastructure sectors?</div>

<div style="display:none;" class="js-qa js-qa-answer">Visit <a href="https://covid19.ca.gov/essential-workforce/">Essential workforce</a> to learn about what workers and sectors are included. </div>

Hidden keywords

Add hidden keywords when you’d like a page or quick answer to appear in searches for a keyword, but cannot work that keyword into the visible text. The keyword below is hidden in the answer part of a quick answer.

<div style="display:none;" class="wp-accordion-content"><!-- county map --></div>
Created and maintained by Office of Digital Innovation