
Site menu

The covid19.ca.gov site menu is managed through the Menu Links WordPress post. This post uses the table-data and translate tags.

Section names

The section names are set using the table with two columns (section_index and label).

  • The numbers in section_index set the order of the sections. 1 will be the section furthest left. Additional sections are added to the right, in order.
  • The content in label sets the text that shows in the menu for each section.

Adding pages to sections

The second table with three columns (section_index, label, slug_or_url) is used to add links to each section.

  • Links are ordered based on their order in the table. Add a row where you want the link to appear in the section drop down.
  • Use the number of the section from the first table in section to add a link to that section.
  • Enter the text you want for the link in label.
  • Add the URL for the link in slug or_url_.
    • If you are adding a page on covid19.ca.gov, only enter the slug. Do not add any slashes before or after the slug.
    • If you are adding a page outside covid19.ca.gov, enter the whole URL, including https:// and any slashes at the end of the URL.
  • Publish the post to push the changes to the site. You can use the staging-only tag to check the menu before publishing it to the live site.
Created and maintained by Office of Digital Innovation