
Upload or replace a PDF

Use this process to replace a PDF that is linked on the website, or upload a new PDF to be linked there.

Name a replacement PDF

  1. Find the current version of your PDF on the live site.
    a. Find a difference between the current version and the one you’re uploading so you can confirm the new version uploads.
    a. A date is usually the most convenient reference to use.
  2. Rename the updated PDF so it has the same filename as the existing PDF.
    a. The name must be identical.
  3. Follow the instructions for uploading a PDF.

Name a new PDF

If you’re uploading a new PDFto the site for the first time, rename the PDF filename.

  1. Remove any spaces.
  2. Use lowercase text and hyphens.
  3. Remove dates or version names like “final.”
  4. For PDFs in English that have translations, make sure to include –en.pdf at the end of the filename.
  5. Follow the instructions for uploading a PDF.

Upload a PDF

  1. Go to https://github.com/cagov/covid-static.
  2. Select the pdf folder.
  3. In the upper-right corner, select the Add file button.
  4. Select Upload files from the dropdown menu.
  5. Upload your file by dragging it into the Drag files here to add them to your repository box or selecting choose your files and using the popup window.
  6. In the Commit changes section, enter brief details (less than 50 characters) about what you’re doing in the first line that contains the placeholder text Add files via upload.
    a. Use hyphens in place of spaces.
    b. This information will be available in the Github history and #code-movement on Slack to identify what changes happened (for example, “replacing-translated-guidance-agriculture-12”).
    c. When replacing translated PDFs, do not replace the currently posted English PDF (the file with –.en.pdf in the name).
  7. If you have more information to add, put these details in the larger box with the placeholder text Add an optional extended description.
  8. Select the green Commit changes button to submit the PDF for upload.
  9. To track the status of the PDF upload, select Actions in the menu at the top of the page.
    a. The text added in the Add files via upload line from the Commit changes section will be listed here.
    b. When a green check mark appears to the left of this text, the PDF has been uploaded.
  10. Return to the live page and confirm the updated PDF comes up when the link is selected.
    a. It usually takes around 1 minute for PDFs to push to the live site.
    b. If it doesn’t come up, confirm in #code-movement that the PDF went through. If it did, confirm that the filename of the PDF was the same.
Created and maintained by Office of Digital Innovation