
Updating the link grid

The link grid is located below the banner on the homepage. It is used to feature the highest-priority links on the site.

Example of link grid on homepage

The link grid is updated through the Homepage featured WordPress post. This post uses the fragment tag.

This post has more complicated markup, but editing the link text, the URL itself, or both is simple.

  1. Search for the current link title to locate the featured link you want to update. The link title will have a span class around it, and the corresponding href will be right before the span class link title.
  2. Change the text in the span class to update the link title.
  3. Change the href to update the URL itself.
    a. If the link is a page on covid19.ca.gov, use the permalink slug only, followed by /.
  4. Publish the post to push the changes to the site. You can use the staging-only tag to check the changes before publishing to the live site.

Example of changing a featured link title and updating an internal URL


Example of updating featured link title and internal URL before


Example of updating featured link title and internal URL after

Example of updating an internal URL to an external URL


Example of updating featured link internal URL to external URL before


Example of updating featured link internal URL to external URL after

Created and maintained by Office of Digital Innovation